Friday, May 11, 2018

Prince Harry Won’t Wear a Wedding Ring?

Now, what message does that send not only to British men, but to the world? What’s wrong with the red-haired prince?

However, it seems not wearing wedding rings isn’t only Harry’s choice, but also that of his brother, grandfather and even uncle. Yes, no wedding rings for either Prince William, Prince Philip (Duke of Edinburgh) and even Prince Andrew (Duke of York). The Queen is known for her thriftiness but she doesn’t have anything to do with this. Fact is, Prince Harry’s father, Prince Charles, wears a wedding ring under his signet ring in his little finger on the left hand.

As one of the oldest and most high-profile royal families, don’t fault them. Nothing they do is random and they can give you a ton of reasons why they do what they do.

The wearing of wedding rings by men is fairly new. And in a family steeped in tradition, it’ll be very hard to break that.

Seems that during Word War II, men had to a memento of their wives when they get deployed. Thus, the wedding rings came about.

Royal brides, of course, always get a wedding ring. It’s always gold.  The Queen Mother started this tradition when she married in 1923 and the people of Wales presented her with a gold nugget for her wedding. After that, a number of wedding bands came from this very same nugget. Queen Elizabeth, Princess Margaret (the queen’s sister), Princess Anne (Princess Royal) and Princess Diana were recipients of wedding rings made from this.

There’s little of that gold left but in 1981, the British Royal Legion presented the Queen with a 36-gram (1.3oz) piece of 21-carat Welsh gold for future royal wedding rings. This is where the Duchess of Cambridge’s wedding ring came from and where Meghan’s wedding ring will be coming from.

Thrifty, right? Not really. They get the material for free but they have to pay to have their trusted jeweller to craft it.

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